Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Thanks For Reading...

The end of the Epic means the end of the blog, but that doesn't mean the end of my travels. Keeping a blog has been a whole lot easier than e-mailing home and forwarding everything around, so in the future I'll always do it this way. “2008 Epic” probably won't be an appropriate name for everything I do in the future, so I'll post all my travel stories at a new blog with a different name. I might even put some personal stuff on there too (but not too personal). Here's the address...


As an engineer I've always liked working with numbers. I thought a few well-thought statistics might put the Epic into perspective. Here's what I came up with...

34299 Miles traveled
4263 Photos taken (not counting the ones I deleted)
80 Days spent traveling around the world
68 Malaria pills ingested
42 New stamps in my passport
25 Airplane flights
15 Total countries visited
5 Wild rhino sightings
2 Countries visited with corrupt military regime governments
2 Destroyed t-shirts that I'll never wear again
1 Pair of new flip-flops worn completely into shreds
1 Busted camera lens
1 Complete revolution around the globe
0 Muggings or abductions
0 Picked pockets
0 Cases of ebola, AIDS, or traveler's diarreah

The Epic has been the experience of a lifetime and every day that I've had the internet available to me I've looked forward to sharing my stories and photos with those who are interested. I appreciate all the comments that people have left, as they remind me that home still exists and is waiting for me. Thanks to everyone who took the time to write them, including the school-teacher from Northern California, the random kid from Indonesia, and one of my old flames. To those who didn't leave comments; usually I don't either when I read blogs. Thanks just for reading.


James Horton said...


It has been absolutely amazing to read about your trip. Hearing about your travels makes me want to travel the world too. It is my opinion that you should give up engineering and be a world travel columnist or something like that.
Good luck with grad school.

Camille said...

Thanks for all the entertainment, vicarious living, memories revisited, connection to the world and comfort that you are safe. We are so glad that you are back and can't wait to see you in a couple of days. We look forward to hearing about your new adventures in school.